Sunday, November 19, 2006

God Reads My Blog

On Friday as you (the blog faithful) read, I was excited about Ben coming but also missing my family, the way it used to be. Well that night Ben and Jacquelyn arrived and we were eating supper sharing some conversation and some laughs, when my Mom dropped in. She said that she might and she came in a sat down to some additional supper. Moments later, my Dad and Shelby (my dog) arrived! We all spent the evening together telling stories, reminiscing, sharing news and laughing! It was so weird because it was so normal. Almost how I had pictured it long ago, the way it should be.

God reads my blog. He saw the prayer of my heart on Friday and answered it. Sometimes in the run of our work, school, church activities and everything else that packs up our lives we forget that God cares about every aspect of our daily lives, including the little thoughts and dreams that go through our heads on any given day. God checks your blog too, and your website, and your diary or journal. He hears your thoughts, comments and prayers.

I really like the comment feature on this blog but on my last post God commented with action. Thank you God, you always know just what to say!

Friday, November 17, 2006

Family Ties

I have to admit that I am having a little trouble concentrating today. The reason you ask? (and even if you didn't) I am very excited because today my brother and his wife are coming to stay with us. They won't be here long, up today and back tomorrow after the wedding they are here to attend but still it will be awesome to spend even a little bit of time with them.

I often tell my youth group to watch how they treat their family and especially their siblings. I emphasize this because I don't want them or you for that matter to miss out on the blessing their is in family ties that one may not always be able to count on whenever they want. I say be nice to your brother or hug you sister because tomorrow you will wake up and you'll be 19, and you won't live at home anymore and your brother won't live in the same province as you and your sister will be in another country. You will wish they were there to go to the game with you or play a game with, watch TV with or even just have a coffee and chat. Let me tell you, I would love to live near my brother again and I pray that someday I will. Someone told me in college we would lose touch and not be as close when we moved apart and got married but we still talk almost every day.

You know, my family is a lot different than it used to be. I would give most anything to get it back but that is out of my control. But I do cherish the times we spent. Take the time, bury the hatchet and be the family member you would want to have. That way no mater what happens tomorrow, you will always have those times. Don't miss out on the good and perfect gifts that God has for you, take them, hold them and cherish them. I will too.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006


Well as you all know, the Christmas season has been in full swing for me for a while. In face I have only a few more things to pick up in the way of Christmas shopping and one of those things is wrapping paper! I must say though that right now my thoughts have turned some to my college days at MCC. I was kind of Mr. Christmas there for a while. I would dig out the Christmas decorations for my dorm room or apartment and make everyone listen to Christmas music everyday in class and tried to have a cup of cheer each day!
Don't get me wrong, I love being home and wouldn't trade spending more of the holidays here for anything but I do miss the good times spent at Maritime Christian College as well. I know that they are getting ready for the parade right now and that also takes me back. I was always pumped about putting a band on the float and although the weather wrecked my plans one year, it didn't for two! Anyways, to the students of MCC, make Christmas a special time you cherish with your family at MCC before you go home. You won't regret it, I promise!

Friday, November 10, 2006

Monday, November 06, 2006

Let It Snow

As I laid in my bed this morning and the alarm came on I listened to the news... ok I wasn't really listening but I could hear it and my wife asked me if I had heard what it said. I hadn't. She said that the weather forecast was calling for 2-4 cm of snow. I told her I doubted if that would be the case as yesterday we got a few flurries but they never amount to much. She suggested that I have a look out side and pulled up the blinds and I was delightfully proven wrong!

I say let it snow! Actually it says that in front of my house right now as for the past few days Janelle and I have been putting up what Janelle calls "winter" decorations and I call "Christmas" decorations. The house is a little messy right now but is looking better everyday. I love the snow and even though the first snow goes away as quick as it comes I do hope it is here to stay. I know that winter is cold and makes for bad driving and short days and so on and so forth but I am glad to live in a place with four seasons. I think the snow is beautiful and I can't wait until there is enough to make snow angels and snowmen!

I think there is enough to make snow balls though... I can't wait for Janelle to get home!

Friday, November 03, 2006

My New Car

Well this post is certainly happier than that the last one with this title. Yes since October the tenth I have been without my beloved Ion. I had a Ford Fusion for a little while, and no you can't do that cool tie trick and park on the side of buildings like in the commercial, but for the past week or so Janelle and I have been trying to operate on one vehicle. I am not really complaining as I know that many at my place in life would love to have one new vehicle but nonetheless it was a bit of an inconvenience to us.

Well today despite my absence of an insurance check to pay for it Saturn let me take home today my new car. Hopefully I will have this one a little longer! I drove by the scene of an accident yesterday while they were trying to get someone out of a severely smashed up vehicle. I am not sure if the person was hurt or not but it reminded me that my accident wasn't so bad as no one was hurt. Anyways God is good and he provides. This is me with the new wheels!