Monday, January 31, 2005


Wow, where the heck have I been? My standard reply for most things is that I have been busy, and it's true, I'm a busy guy. School is crazy and I am both swamped and behind. Last week was the K.T. Norris lectures and that takes a lot of time to plan and execute. Balance family, friends and a job and vola: Time divided by life equals busy with a remainder of zero time. I guess that blogging has been way down on my list... not that this really takes that long to do but this is the time I have.

Or is it? Is it the time I have or the way I choose to manage it? Certainly I live in excuse city and can say with confidence that I honestly don't have time for this that and the other thing. The truth of the matter is that I need to make time for things. Especially after that last blog, you remember like four weeks ago, all about consistency I really ought to be doing better.

A good acronym for busy is Being Under Satan Yoke and I need to break free and start making time for the more important things in life...

as soon as I get a minute...

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

The First Blog of 2005

Well well well. Here we are in a new year. I can hardly believe it that 2004 is in the books and now a thing of the past. The years go by so quick. So here I am back in school for another semester and 5 days into the year and 2 into class I am already swamped with work. Life is grand, and I really mean that. I am actually pretty excited about the work I have this semester, it looks really interesting.

I have made a few tenitive resolutions this year. Tenitive so I don't feel bad when they don't happen but none the less. I am resolving to eat better this year and in doing so limit myself to only eat out once a week. I am resolving to treat school like a job and do only school work between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. in an attempt to free up my evenings and weekends a little bit and to get a jump on my work... but I am already behind... never takes long.

So how do I plan to keep these? Consistency!!! This is the one key to all New Year's resolutions. Be consistent and you will succeed! If you go to New Glasgow you will find out more about this on Sunday (I'm preaching), if not... read Revelation 3:14-22.
