Sunday, February 13, 2005

Have You Ever?

Well well well, here I am in Toronto. Have you ever been there? Nice place to visit, truly a beautiful city. We were driving towards it from Orangeville and the view was absolutely breath taking. All the lights, the CN Tower and because of the wind you could see like 6 planes all lining up to use the runway, it was really cool.

So Dan, what were you doing in Toronto? Well, I flew here with my bro for a winter camp at Ontario Christian Assembly. Have you ever been to a winter camp before? This was my second and I had a blast. I usually have a lot of fun no matter where I go but this was great. Wasn't too cold out and I got to meet and hang out with some really cool people.

The only snag was that I had to speak on Friday night and didn't find out until the day before my trip and on top of that a text had been picked for me (Colossians 2:16-23). Have you ever been put on the spot like that? I really like to make sure I'm prepared before I speak, especially when I am speaking to people that I don't know. The day before camp started I wrote and outline and introduction and then being "The Amazing Spider-Dan" I forgot to bring it with me. But my amazing and awesome God pulled me out of the fire and it actually went pretty well despite not having any notes or any decent preparation. Have you ever had that happen to you? God is good.

Well this is the last day of my trip. My brother and I have to get at 5:00 am tomorrow morning to catch out flight... Have you ever had to do that? Of course you have, so much fun isn't it. But you know what it's been a great trip for my brother and I and we just love getting to do this stuff together. I got my first glimpse of him working with the youth he worked with this past summer and man is he good. He's had some great kids to work with and has done an awesome job with them. He was really in his element and I was and am and always have been proud that he's my brother. Ever feel that way? It's great.

Wow, have you ever read a blog that carried a theme this long? Me neither...