Friday, December 22, 2006

Well Staffed

Well yesterday I attended our staff Christmas party and most of you have figured out by now that I mean Graham, Murray and I went out for lunch. We went to Bruno's at the Delta for the pasta buffet where for a very reasonable price you get all you can eat soup and salad, pasta with unlimited ingredients, rolls, deserts and a refillable drink! It was so good. We were lucky to get in too. Only one table in the restaurant was not reserved and we got it! What luck!

The food was amazing but that was not the draw nor the highlight of the meal. You the faithful readers know that I get overly excited about food and believe me I was, the pasta buffet comes highly recommended by yours truly. The fact of the matter is however that we could have been eating at Wendy's or even someones house and it wouldn't have mattered.

The staff at our church is really something. I count myself blessed to be able to work with my long time friends and mentors. Graham has been a friend to me and my family since before I knew it! He has been a bright spot in my day on countless occasions and continues to be one of the wisest examples I have ever had the privilege of learning from. Murray became my youth minister when I was in junior high and quickly became one of my best friends. He has been there for me on numerous occasions and was perhaps my biggest inspiration to enter ministry. He has kind of been the Mr. Fini of my life, moving when I do.

Lunch was great because we are so well staffed and I praise God for these men everyday.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

The Persuit

This past week I have found myself on a few missoins or persuits if you will. The first was on Wednesday, after hockey which ended very early due to a lack of attendence. For once we actually had enough interest for a bunch of us to go out to Tim Hortons afterword. I have been wanting to try the new Holiday Spice hot smoothe and finally got one Wednesday night... It was really good! Success.

Next on Thursday, I ran my first basketball practice. I have been to a bunch of them but I actually led this one. It went pretty good although I had one of my best players go down during suicides and we needed to call parametics to check him out. Little sceary but he was ok. Other than that I felt it went well.

Then on Friday, I had perviously heard a rumour that the Tim Hortons on Prospect St had hot apple cider! I have been nothing short of devestated since they stopped serving it, so I went and ordered a large and yes Anna it was a really good mix! My mouth and taste buds celebrated with me as we enjoyed every drop.

Finally today, I coached my first ever Basket Ball game. I have to admit I was a little nervous, but I rallied the troops, or the Keswick Valley Coyotes, agaist the Nackawick Jay-hawks and WE WON! 67-48 I was so pumped, and apparently quite loud as Janelle has informed me.

Anyways, it was a crazy week of multiple persuits, really only of basket ball and Tim Hortons but still. Good times!

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Why Pack A Lunch?

Every morning that my bride and I have to work we have a similar morning routine. You probably do too. We get up, get cleaned up, dressed and so on and so on. Every morning Janelle makes breakfast and packs herself a lunch. Personally, I eat breakfast but never pack a lunch.

Janelle is a great wife. There are many reasons for this and making a nice breakfast almost every morning is merely one of them. The reason I don't pack a lunch however is not because she packs it for me. I am sure she would if I asked but why pack a lunch?

I don't because my office days are spent in Burtt's Corner. Around 11:00 I just call my grandparents place and let them know I will be there around noon. Usually Gramps and I eat leftovers, which is fine by me! It is always a nice meal and great conversation. Today however, I called to find that Grammie and Gramps were just on their way to town so would not be available for lunch. As I began to ponder what I would do since I hadn't packed one my grandmother checked with my cousin Dustie if she would be around.

So today for the first time in a long time, just Dustie and I had an awesome lunch that she made. Baked pasta and fresh cinnamon buns for desert. We had a great chat and it was just a really nice time.

I praise God for the way that he takes care of me. Today he has blessed me with a great wife, a great cousin and great food and it is only 1:00 in the afternoon!

Life is good.

Monday, December 04, 2006

Great Trip

Well on Saturday Janelle and I and Ben and Jac got up at 4:00am to drive through the snow and rain all the way to Montreal. Dispite the poor driving conditions, the drive was really enjoyable. It was so nice to spend time with Ben and Jac agian, we had some great conversation and big laughs.

We arrived in Montreal around 1:00pm EST and actually did pretty well with the Montreal driving. We got rigged up for the game and walked to the Bell Centre. We took the tour which was awesome and then had an afternoon meal at Le Cage aux Sports. Really cool place. We then spent "some" money in "Le Boutique." My Habs room loved it!

At this point we went to stand in line to get in the Bell Centre for the game but they don't open the doors until 5:30. When we got in the atmosphere was AMAZING! There were so many Go Leafs Go chants and Go Habs Go chants before the building was even half full!

When the game started you couldn't even hear! It was unbelieveable. I was high fiving and hugging strangers like crazy!! Things looked bleak for the habs all the way up to the beginning of the 3rd period but with two late period goals from Captian Koivu and a shoot out goal, the Habs took it.

This Janelle and I at the press conference after the game

We drove back Sunday morning and I think Ben and I laughed the whole way. It was SO fun, I can't wait to do it again next year!

Audi Later!

(that was for you Ben, the rest of you don't ask)

Sunday, November 19, 2006

God Reads My Blog

On Friday as you (the blog faithful) read, I was excited about Ben coming but also missing my family, the way it used to be. Well that night Ben and Jacquelyn arrived and we were eating supper sharing some conversation and some laughs, when my Mom dropped in. She said that she might and she came in a sat down to some additional supper. Moments later, my Dad and Shelby (my dog) arrived! We all spent the evening together telling stories, reminiscing, sharing news and laughing! It was so weird because it was so normal. Almost how I had pictured it long ago, the way it should be.

God reads my blog. He saw the prayer of my heart on Friday and answered it. Sometimes in the run of our work, school, church activities and everything else that packs up our lives we forget that God cares about every aspect of our daily lives, including the little thoughts and dreams that go through our heads on any given day. God checks your blog too, and your website, and your diary or journal. He hears your thoughts, comments and prayers.

I really like the comment feature on this blog but on my last post God commented with action. Thank you God, you always know just what to say!

Friday, November 17, 2006

Family Ties

I have to admit that I am having a little trouble concentrating today. The reason you ask? (and even if you didn't) I am very excited because today my brother and his wife are coming to stay with us. They won't be here long, up today and back tomorrow after the wedding they are here to attend but still it will be awesome to spend even a little bit of time with them.

I often tell my youth group to watch how they treat their family and especially their siblings. I emphasize this because I don't want them or you for that matter to miss out on the blessing their is in family ties that one may not always be able to count on whenever they want. I say be nice to your brother or hug you sister because tomorrow you will wake up and you'll be 19, and you won't live at home anymore and your brother won't live in the same province as you and your sister will be in another country. You will wish they were there to go to the game with you or play a game with, watch TV with or even just have a coffee and chat. Let me tell you, I would love to live near my brother again and I pray that someday I will. Someone told me in college we would lose touch and not be as close when we moved apart and got married but we still talk almost every day.

You know, my family is a lot different than it used to be. I would give most anything to get it back but that is out of my control. But I do cherish the times we spent. Take the time, bury the hatchet and be the family member you would want to have. That way no mater what happens tomorrow, you will always have those times. Don't miss out on the good and perfect gifts that God has for you, take them, hold them and cherish them. I will too.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006


Well as you all know, the Christmas season has been in full swing for me for a while. In face I have only a few more things to pick up in the way of Christmas shopping and one of those things is wrapping paper! I must say though that right now my thoughts have turned some to my college days at MCC. I was kind of Mr. Christmas there for a while. I would dig out the Christmas decorations for my dorm room or apartment and make everyone listen to Christmas music everyday in class and tried to have a cup of cheer each day!
Don't get me wrong, I love being home and wouldn't trade spending more of the holidays here for anything but I do miss the good times spent at Maritime Christian College as well. I know that they are getting ready for the parade right now and that also takes me back. I was always pumped about putting a band on the float and although the weather wrecked my plans one year, it didn't for two! Anyways, to the students of MCC, make Christmas a special time you cherish with your family at MCC before you go home. You won't regret it, I promise!

Friday, November 10, 2006

Monday, November 06, 2006

Let It Snow

As I laid in my bed this morning and the alarm came on I listened to the news... ok I wasn't really listening but I could hear it and my wife asked me if I had heard what it said. I hadn't. She said that the weather forecast was calling for 2-4 cm of snow. I told her I doubted if that would be the case as yesterday we got a few flurries but they never amount to much. She suggested that I have a look out side and pulled up the blinds and I was delightfully proven wrong!

I say let it snow! Actually it says that in front of my house right now as for the past few days Janelle and I have been putting up what Janelle calls "winter" decorations and I call "Christmas" decorations. The house is a little messy right now but is looking better everyday. I love the snow and even though the first snow goes away as quick as it comes I do hope it is here to stay. I know that winter is cold and makes for bad driving and short days and so on and so forth but I am glad to live in a place with four seasons. I think the snow is beautiful and I can't wait until there is enough to make snow angels and snowmen!

I think there is enough to make snow balls though... I can't wait for Janelle to get home!

Friday, November 03, 2006

My New Car

Well this post is certainly happier than that the last one with this title. Yes since October the tenth I have been without my beloved Ion. I had a Ford Fusion for a little while, and no you can't do that cool tie trick and park on the side of buildings like in the commercial, but for the past week or so Janelle and I have been trying to operate on one vehicle. I am not really complaining as I know that many at my place in life would love to have one new vehicle but nonetheless it was a bit of an inconvenience to us.

Well today despite my absence of an insurance check to pay for it Saturn let me take home today my new car. Hopefully I will have this one a little longer! I drove by the scene of an accident yesterday while they were trying to get someone out of a severely smashed up vehicle. I am not sure if the person was hurt or not but it reminded me that my accident wasn't so bad as no one was hurt. Anyways God is good and he provides. This is me with the new wheels!

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Blessings and Rain

Well I have to say that I believe that I must be the most blessed and encouraged person in the world. I have so much in so many different areas of life and even though it has been raining over the past few days, blessings fall on me like rain everyday!

This past weekend we went to the Exalt conference at Maritime Christian College and it was really awesome. The whole experience of it really. I have an amazing youth group and it really is just a pleasure to spend time with them. God is doing amazing things in their lives and it is a thrill to witness and be a part of it. They are so special to me and I love them to death!Our youth group has been growing as of late which excites me as well. God is so good and never stops blowing me away.

It was also great to get to PEI and see my brother. I miss him so much but give thanks to God for the time we do get to spend together. We just so much fun sharing stories (mostly old but some new!) and laughs. It was wonderful to get to stay with him and his wife as well as his new puppy! Family is a real source of joy to me and I give God thanks for it.

I love my wife too. She is a definite gift from God. She does so much for me and goes above and beyond every day. The love we share from dancing in the kitchen to intimate talks at night is so amazing and I thank God for her every day. I have no idea what I would do without her.

I also have been blessed in where I work. I mentioned the wonderful youth that I have the privilege to spend time with but I also praise God for the work environment he gives me and the people I work with. Both Graham and Murray have been inspirations and mentors in my life and to get to work with them now in adulthood blows me away. I truly am blessed among all people in this regard. God even gives me little blessings to garnish the big ones as this is the view from my office window! WOW!

Last night we played hockey too and man I could go on and on. Isn't funny how God has enabled us to get so much enjoyment out of beating a piece of rubber around the ice with sticks? He is so good. You know, when you stop and actually think of your blessings, life really can be great!

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Hockey Hockey Hockey

Well tonight is the first night of hockey of the season and I am super pumped. I have been itching to play since the end of August and have had to wait until now. This will be my fifth year playing in goal and I love it. I tried it when I moved to PEI in 2002 and this will be my first year playing back home in Burtt's Corner. It always takes a while to prove yourself as a goalie, especially when all you play is pick up. Just like when I started in PEI, I will be playing once a week but hopefully after a while I can get my name around again and more but this is great for now.

Can't wait for tonight!!!

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Christmas Time's a Coming!

I know I know, everyone get ready to groan at the earliness of the above statement but like it or not Christmas time is "a coming." I know because the air is getting cooler, the days are getting shorter and I BOUGHT EGG NOG! That is right this is me enjoying the first glass of egg nog of the season! Tis the season to be jolly and I am! I have been listening to Christmas music in my office this week and I actually drove by a house last Tuesday that had their Christmas lights up and ON!

Now before you all start commenting about how it is too early for this, its so commercial, the Bible only devotes a chapter and half to Jesus' birth and so on, you have to admit that there is a different atmosphere around Christmas time. You cannot deny that most people get a renewed generosity and joyousness about them this time of year. I love that and I welcome it early and invite it to stay as long as it can.

So again this year allow me to be the first to wish you a Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Saturday, September 23, 2006

TV Troubles

So a while ago Janelle and I looked at our options for setting up cable or satellite for our television. Up till this point (and currently) we have no stations that come in, not even one! So we don't watch TV. However now that fall is upon us and series are starting up again and most importantly hockey season is starting we both agreed that we would like to have something.

We weighed our options and decided that Bell ExpressVu was the way to go. Mostly because we could bundle it with our phone features. We had just made our initial contact and we found out that Colpits Developments, the company that owns our building, has a deal with Rogers and Star Choice so we would have to pick one of these two. We debated a little bit but decided to go with Rogers because with them you don't have to buy any hardware and RDS was a "digital essential" meaning that no matter what you ordered it came with your package.

To those of you who do not know what RDS is, it is the French TSN. I "need" this channel because it carries EVERY (may I repeat EVERY) Habs game of the season. This settled it for me. So on Friday some guys from Rogers came and set it all up... and no RDS! So I called them up to see what gives and they tell me I can't get it because I don't live in Quebec or Ontario. I went in for clarification to their location on Prospect St. and they told me that I could only get it in French speaking regions like Moncton. So I cancelled and plan to call Star Choice, who does carry the channel, soon.

I had almost told myself that not having RDS and every Habs game was no big deal until I saw this:

I immediately went downstairs out the door and straight to Rogers to cancel my cable.
Should have known with a name like Rogers eh Brad?

Friday, September 22, 2006

Coach Foreman

Well well well, much to the delight of the youth of Burtt's Corner, the surprise of everyone who has ever seen my play and the joy of every other team in our league, this Basketball season I will be coaching the Keswick Valley Coyotes.

I know what you're thinking, "Dan you are such an amazing basketball player, won't the kids be intimidated by your ability?" and you may be right but to compensate, my good Friend Brad (who is actually good at basketball) is also coaching with me.

So all you other teams better get ready because we come to play!!!! GO COYOTES!! HOWLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL cough cough... ahem.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

To You From Failing Hands We Throw the Torch Be Yours to Hold it High

I cannot wait for hockey season to start! There is just something about investing so much energy and passion in something over which you have no control. Come on boys, this year we bring home number 25!!!


Wednesday, September 20, 2006

More Birthday stuff

After reading Ben's blog I felt inclined to rip him off because that is what we do. No harm no foul. I really miss him a lot right now. I have somewhat been in anticipation of today because it is our first Birthday apart. I know he's not dead or anything and we talk a lot but if you don't have a twin or even a close sibling you probably don't understand.

Anyways, I love you Ben, Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday...

Well for the last two years I have posted on September 20th as Happy Birthday Mr. President because it was my birthday and I had on both occasions just been named President of the student association of MCC. It is still my birthday but no fancy title to go with it.

The other night a bunch of us got together to celebrate at Boston Pizza for some awesome food and fellowship. Then back to my place to play NHL 2007! Super fun. Also on the plus side Janelle got me a Dairy Queen ice cream cake with the Habs logo on it. Can life get any better? I submit that it cannot! Anyways, good times had by me.

Happy Birthday Ben!

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Happy Belated Blog Day!!

Well I can see from other bloggers that on the anniversary of your first post you are supposed to have a happy blog day and I forgot. Sorry bloggy. My blogday was on September 12 2004, 2 years ago! At that time I had just moved back to PEI and cut all my hair off! What fun. On this day two years ago I had just accepted a job as the youth minister at the New Glasgow Church of Christ. Good times there as well.

Well it has been a good two years and here's to as many as I keep this thing running! Go Habs Go!

Friday, September 15, 2006


Well I think it just sunk in. It is September 15th and I have yet to study for a test, research to write a paper or devote an entire morning, afternoon, evening or night to reading. No more school. I did it for 17 straight years and it is done... for now. I am settled into my job but it is different now that the kids are back in school and I am not.

It's weird... I don't think I miss it really... maybe I do. It is weird to now be going back to my elementary/middle school and high school, now to volunteer and such. It was weird to sit in the office at KVMS for a different reason this time!!! No detention!

I miss MCC too. Mostly just the people. It was so nice to be around so many of my friends all the time and know everyone's schedule was close to yours. I miss my brother too. Maybe that's it. We have spent the last four summers apart but this time its for good.

This post doesn't seem to be coming to any kind of point... oh well at least you read it! Good luck in school this year if you go and um good luck just the same if you don't.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Married Life?

When you get married a lot things change. A LOT!! There is a change of lifestyle, change of perspective, change of finances, change of relationship, change of schedule and the list goes on. As a result of all these changes, everyone wants to know, "How's married life?" Since everyone has asked, here is the answer.

My standard reply, which I stole from my buddy Corey, is "I haven't felt like sitting in the middle of the floor and crying yet." That is true but not really a complete answer to the question. Married life is great and better than I had hoped. It's not perfect and it takes a lot of work and compromise but I love it. I often ask Janelle if this is how she pictured married life, usually as I dance through the kitchen or sing loudly the songs that I make up, and she admits it isn't, but in a good way.

Janelle has even begun playing Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles on the playstation with me! In short, married life is good and it is amazing how great a marriage can be when God is at the centre of it.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Great Trip but a Bad Taste in Bean Town

So this past week end I drove to Boston and back in about 38 hours. Fast trip but a good one! Brad, Murray and I went down to watch a Red Sox game. What a blast, the drive was definitely half the fun. Lots of laughs and yelling KITRY!!! (don' ask). When we got to the boarder, we even had the drug dog go through the vehicle, he seemed nice...

Anyways we went to Fenway park as soon as we got there and the atmosphere outside the park is incredible. Boston is definitely a baseball town. People just go bananas over the Red Sox. We couldn't get in but it was still cool to go.

The next day we got early to head to Fenway again because our game got rescheduled from a night game to an afternoon game. The sights and sounds are really something. While we were debating the price of street meat just outside the park A.J. Burnett (A pitcher for the Blue Jays, who pitched a complete game that day) stepped out of a vehicle. I thought (once I was told who he was) that he would be swarmed but to my surprise only two little kids, about eight or nine ran up to him in Blue Jay jackets and hats holding balls and pens. What are the odds that such an elite player would walk right by but to my surprise again and this time my disappointment he was stern with the kids and refused to give his autograph.

This is what left the bad taste in my mouth. If someone thinks that much of you that for you to write your name on a baseball would make their whole month probably, then sign the stupid thing. I understand that celebrities get asked for this a lot and you can't sign everyone's but these were two kids. It would have taken two minutes on the long side to ask their names, sign the balls and tell them to enjoy the game. If you are going to sign on as a pro athlete, that is just part of the paperwork.

We all get busy and distracted by our work and such, but don't get so busy that you miss the opportunity to make someone's day. I often think of how busy and focused Jesus was but even so, he took the time and made days. If you know the good you could and should do the do it, its a shame and a sin not to.

Monday, August 28, 2006

A Change of Heart and a Slice of Pizza

Most people have a favorite Pizza place. Pizza is good and you will eat it almost anywhere but there is usually that one place that does it just the way you like it. For me that place is Pizza Hut. Their deep dish Pizza is one that, in my opinion, cannot be beat.

Most people also have restaurants that they avoid. This can happen for a number of reasons: bad food, bad service, bad experiences and so on. Well for a long time I have not gone to Pizza Delight. They have pretty good Pizza but quite a while ago I went there and had bad food, bad service and a bad experience. So for a long time, unless I had to for whatever reason, I did not go to Pizza Delight.

Most recently though I have given them another chance. They have a really good take out deal on Monday nights and I have had excellent food, service, and experiences in my past few visits.

Now you may be thinking, "Thanks Dan, there is two and a half minutes I'll never have back but allow me to quote the "Sneller" here and say, "Here's why you care": We are very quick to spread bad news. When people go somewhere and have a bad experience they tell everyone but when we have a good one we only share that with a fraction of the later. When someone has wronged us or treated us unfairly we tell everyone but when we hear that Jesus Christ has saved us we remain silent. Perhaps it's time for a change of heart. Perhaps it's time to spread good news instead of misfortune.

Perhaps it's time for a slice of pizza... I'll let you decide.

Monday, August 21, 2006

The Week-End

Well I spent this past weekend the way I have spent many weekends this summer. I went to a wedding. It was great for a number of reasons. First it is awesome to see two Godly people commit themselves to each other as they commit themselves to God. Joel and Kia are an awesome couple and I really look forward to seeing how God uses them in his kingdom in future years.

It was also great because the wedding gave me the opportunity to spend some time with some good friends, Dave and Anna. My wife and I really miss them and became more aware of how much we did this weekend. It was great to spend some time with them and share some laughs.

Well I guess that is all. Congratulations Joel and Kia! (thanks for doing the thumbs up Joel!!!)

Friday, August 18, 2006

VBStress Produces VBS!

I will admit with complete honesty that I do not like getting ready for VBS. I am not sure why I dread it, it is never as bad a I anticipate but there is just so much to get ready and I am always stressed that everything is done, done right and looking good. It gives me a condition that many of us now affectionately call VBStress!

There are people who think that all ministry activities are a joy and believe to refer to it as stressful is sinful and we should count ourselves thankful to minister in such a free environment. Believe me, I do count myself lucky to live in a place where I can have a full time job as a minister in such a great church. I will not however contend that ministry is not sometimes stressful. We are dealing the eternity of all people here. Define stress!

What I will say is that ministry is always worth it. You see, mentos produce mass carbonation, ministry produces fruit and thus VBStress produces VBS. I love VBS and I believe that it is a valuable ministry that plants seeds that will be watered throughout the rest of life hopefully leading them to Christ and ultimately to heaven.


Vacation Bible School's True Reason: Essentially Saving Souls

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Randy was Right!

I don't believe it!

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Extended warranty

I will attest to the fact that some of the dumbest words ever spoken are "Extended warranty! How can I lose?" I know that many companies make loads of extra cash off of cautious customers who want to make sure their stuff is maintained and covered should anything out of their control happen to it. The tough part with this stuff is figuring out if it is worth it.

Well about a year and a half ago my Mother tricked me into picking up my own Christmas gift. She told me that the Future Shop in Moncton had 3 Canon A60 digital cameras left and she wanted me to pick them up for some gals at work. One of them was for a gal at work and the others were for my brother and I. When picking them up I called her and asked about putting on the warranty. She didn't want to. Most of the time its a rip off. I usually get it though. Maybe I'm a sucker, an easy sell or just cautious but I most often get the extended warranty. So after much convincing I put the warranty on for some extra cash and covered the cameras for 2 years.

One of those cameras is mine now and here we are a year and half later and my camera died last week. Lens went and every picture looks black. However, because I have the 2 year warranty, it is completely covered. I hate to say I told you so Mom... so I won't.

This made me think, I am glad that when I gave my life to Christ that he put an extended warranty on me. In giving my life to him, he promised that no matter how bad it looked when he got it and how much I still abuse it, that he would give me a new one at the end. Free of charge. My camera is only covered for things that are not my fault for two years. My life is covered no matter what, forever.

Extended warranty... sometimes it is worth it.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006


I know that I haven't been posting much lately and the posts that I have put up are all about Spider-Man, but given the title of this blog you really shouldn't be all that surprised. On to my life.

So last Thursday I bought a car, a Saturn Ion Sadan. It is a 2.2 4 cylinder. I was going to tell you that it was black but you can probably see that... unless you are colour blind... in which case every car is black... actually that is a very poor understanding about what colour blindness is... good thing this post is about my car and colour blindness.

Anyways, it is an awesome little car and I love it. I must also say that Saturn of Fredericton has got to be the best car dealership in the maritimes. They are so helpful and friendly. We bought our VUE from them and couldn't be more pleased. They really are a different kind of car company. And this is a different kind of post because finally there is content and no video. Enjoy!

Saturday, July 29, 2006

I Can't Get It Out Of My Head!!!

Ok ok ok, I promise the next time I post it will not be a video but an actual post with things you can read about... BUT I cannot get this Spider-Man business out of my head. I have watched both Spider-Man and Spider-Man 2 over the past 2 weeks and I can hardly stand waiting until May for the next one to come out. This is kind of a trailer but not really. Whatever it is, it is awesome!

Thursday, July 27, 2006

I Cannot Wait For This!

I don't know about you but I can hardly wait for Spider-Man 3 to come out! I saw the "coming soon" sign for it at the mall today and I am pumped!!!

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

The Theme is Red

Today the theme is red. First of all because last weekend two of my best friends in the world got married and it was really awesome. I had the privilege of standing up with my buddy Dave as he married his beautiful bride Anna. It was a really special day and I am totally happy for them. What does this have to do with red you ask? I guess you would have to know/see Dave.

While away I also attended a preaching course taught by Dr. Jeff Snell who works for Lincoln Christian Seminary, whose school colour is red... I know that's stretching it just to keep the theme but I don't care!! Anyways we basically sermonized all week and it was awesome.

What kind of sucked was that while I was away to PEI I got a sinus infection and had to go to the clinic and get prescribed the "red" penicillin pills. As it turns out after 7 days of taking it that I am allergic!! I am a giant rash... from the top of my head to the bottom of my feet and I wish that I was exaggerating... I am red. It really sucks.

Anyways, I am glad you "red" this! hahahaha uggg. (scratch scratch scratch)

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Upon Request

Well upon the request of my half-wit brother (actually he would have to be twice as smart to be a half-wit!) I have now, in the midst of all my installing of appliances, installed a tool or unit to wash my clothes! Yes, yesterday my good friend Corey and I carried a washer and dryer up the stairs into our laundry closet. My dad helped me get it up and running while Janelle helped me clean it up so it didn't ruin our clothes and Janelle's father helped me finish the job today.

In other fun and exciting news, yesterday was Canada Day and we went downtown to enjoy the biggest block party in Canada, or so they say. Man what a parade!!!! Man did it suck, it was one of those things where it just looked like a bunch of strangos happened to be walking down the street at the same time the police happened to be around. However, I will say this. The fireworks were really good. Shut up, I am not being sarcastic. At the Fredericton fireworks you can usually tell its the finale when five minutes have passed and they shoot off two at once! But this year they were close to a half an hour and I thought the finale had come twice before it did. It was really impressive.

Well I guess that is enough excitement for now, have a BIG day.

Friday, June 30, 2006

My Wife The Pharmacist

Well well well, for the last four years my lovely wife Janelle has been slaving away at the books studying to become a pharmacist. She's been eating the vitamins and saying the prayers just like Hulk Hogan says but at the end of four years and a bachelor of science in pharmacy, it all comes down to one test.

To become a licensed pharmacist you have to take a licensing exam. The tricky thing about it is that you not only have to pass the exam (duh) but you cannot be in the bottom 15% of all who take the test at that time (they do it twice a year). So you could get a great mark but if you are among the bottom 15% in the country you fail and are not issued a license. Well this morning the results were in and Janelle called to find out she is licensed. She was so excited, I never doubted for a second!

So that means in 2 weeks I am no longer the bread winner anymore but that is ok... I married a pharmacist.

Thursday, June 29, 2006


Well just call me Mr. HandyDan because the ol cordless drill has never seen as much work as it has lately. This goes for all my tools actually. At Christmas time there was a tool theme in my gifts, I got like two of everything: cordless drills, tape measures, hammers, saw, level, you name it. Now they are getting good use as the "man of the house" ,which I was in PEI too, is installing everything in the house. So if anybody needs a space saver radio installed, a bed put together, picture hung or a tie rack put up, just call Dan the "handy" man.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Table Talk

Well yesterday Janelle and I had our first meal in our place that wasn't over the cupboard or sink and not on the couch. That's right, we ate at our very own kitchen table. This may not sound like a big deal to you but it is to me. Our place is looking better every day and having the table in the kitchen is awesome to me.

In addition, the handy man of our household (that's me so don't ask CREEP!) installed our space-saver radio/CD player underneath the cupboard with my handy dandy cordless drill. I am patting myself on the back as you read (maybe).

Anyways, I can't really compete with my cruise stories but this what you are going to have to get used to! Sorry I forgot to take pictures.

Monday, June 26, 2006


Well we are back in Fredericton NB and trying to get our place set up. Today's project is to get the phone hooked up... thus we have no internet LISA! haha. Anyways our townhouse looked great until the wedding but now that we are married and have another slew of gifts (I am not complaining in the least!) our place is once again a mess. It is good though. It is actually kind of fun to get everything unpacked and put in place when it is in fact your own semi-perminant residence.

Well on my trip I had all kinds of neat and interesting things happening around me... today I am setting up my new office...

Here are some dolphin pictures!!!

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

An Update (Part 11) Packing It In

Today is our last day at sea. We have started packing and it is kind of sad but it will also be nice to get home. We did some more sunning on deck nine and had lunch in the dinning room for the first time on our trip. It was great. No real big happenings today. Mostly trying to get organized so we can get off the boat with no hassle from customs. If you are not a USA citizen there are a lot of extras to take care of. Oh well, it is certainly worth it.

Well tomorrow after we port, our flight leaves La Guardia New York at 3:40 PM EST and arrives in Portland at 4:55 PM EST. We are planning to eat at the Olive Garden in Portland and then truck it home so that will put back in Freddy in the wee hours of the morning. Should be good though!

It has been a great trip! What a Honeymoon!

An Update (Part 10) Lazy Day at Sea

(picture 131)
This will be my last update from the ship as the internet is getting expensive! I’ll blog about the last day at sea when we get home. Today was kind of a lazy day. We got to sleep in which was really nice. It is really cool to wake up and look out the window and see nothing but sea, sky and sunshine. We had breakfast on deck nine, (I had corn-pops!) and soaked up the sun for most of the morning.

Around 2:00 we went to try and get on the “Newly and not so newlyweds game” but didn’t get on. This ended up actually being a good thing as some of the questions were not ones you would want to answer in front of a lot of people. It was funny by times though. Then we took the galley tour. This is where you visit the places on the boat where most of the food prep happens. These are really big. It was a long wait but kind of interesting. To clean these rooms they completely empty them and then fill them with water and soap and then drain them!
(Picture 322)
We also got to see a small demonstration of how they fold the towels into animals and the napkins so neatly. You could by a book that showed you how to do them too but we didn’t buy it. Not too likely to be folding them that way for the closet!!

Tonight was formal night again and this is the last one. (picture 114) Once again our waiters are awesome and I am confident in saying they are best on the ship. We also have the best table. (Picture 248) Joy & Trevor and Eric & Sarah are so nice and great to talk to. All six of us have had an awesome time together. (Picture 249)

After supper we bolted to see game seven on the big screen they use to show movies. They served poutine in honour of all the Canadians there and of course Edmonton lost… so to cheer ourselves up we went to the biggest buffet you have ever seen in your life. (Picture 336) Some of the desserts took 18 hours to prepare. It was awesome and I think I am going to be sick. Chocolate is coming out of my ears!

I must comment on this as well as I get ready for bed. The water is rough tonight, it was last night too. I love it when the water is rough at night. It makes you feel like you are sleeping in the world’s largest hammock. Well it feels that way for about 5 minutes and then I am dead to the world in the 9th stage of sleep. I will be there soon.

Good night.

Monday, June 19, 2006

An Update (Part 9) Swimming with the fishes in Tortola

(Picture 285)
Well this morning we woke up in Tortola, a British Virgin Island and things went quite swimmingly. Much like St. Thomas the water in the harbour was crystal blue and the landscape was beautiful. Not much to do when you walk right off the boat, especially on a Sunday but it was interesting to note that chickens and roosters were just out walking all over the place like pigeons or something but not as many.(Picture 261) We could have taken a cab to the beach on the other end of the Island but opted not to because we had an excursion at 11:45AM and did not want to be late or miss it.

Now I understand that the title “Swimming with the fishes” sounds a lot like what we did yesterday (snorkelling with tropical fish). Today we swam with fish again… but they weren’t tropical fish and we didn’t use snorkels. Today (are you ready?) we swam with DOLPHINS!!!!!!!!!!! It was one of the most amazing things I have ever done in my life! They love people. They actually remind me of dogs in a lot of ways. They are so excited to see both familiar and new people, when we walked out on the deck they swam right up to us and started… well making the noise that they make. They loved to be touched and played with too. The dolphin we worked with was Hercules and he was awesome. He was the youngest dolphin there at five years old and as a result he would sometimes disobey. This wasn’t bad though (for us). It just meant that sometimes when she told him to go do something, he would come to us for a belly rub instead!! We all got to rub his belly and back. Then we had a water fight with him, which he clearly won. We got to be kissed by him and kiss him back. Janelle got to dance with him (her and only one other person). The highlight for me though was that we got to call him over, grab a hold of his fins and let him pull us through the water! It was SOOO much fun. Unfortunately due to how wet this excursion was we couldn’t take any pictures to post. (Picture 287)

By the time the excursion was over it was time to get back to the boat which headed for New York, New York at 2:00 PM. Supper is a lot of fun. Tonight the waiters danced for us again and made, as many that would, ourselves included, join in a conga line. Really fun stuff.
(Picture 267)

Sorry again for no pictures, I will go back and edit these when I get home and I don't have to pay by the min for internet!

Sunday, June 18, 2006

An Update (Part 8) Oilers Win!!!

Just so you know we still get to watch the games here! There are a ton of Canadians on the boat, especially on staff and they are seeing about putting game seven on the BIG SCREEN!!!! Too much fun!

Saturday, June 17, 2006

An Update (Part 7) Hot in St. Thomas!

Today we ported in St. Thomas, perhaps one of the most beautiful places on the planet. It literally gave me goose-bumps to look out the window of our ship and see the picturesque landscape of the port. One of the first things we noticed was that unlike New York and San Juan the harbour was so clean, it was crystal blue.

We also went on our first excursion today! This was snorkelling in the Caribbean Sea and it was really fun. We got on a catamaran and sailed for 45 minutes out to Buck Island and snorkelled there for an hour and a half seeing all kinds of sea creatures and tropical fish. I was hoping to see a sea turtle but no such luck. We did, however, see a… well I forget the name of it but the kind of fish Dori is on Finding Nemo, yeah. It was awesome. After our excursion was done we came back on the boat to eat where it is good, safe and FREE! Well not really free because we paid for it to begin with and… So anyways after lunch we went to Magan’s Bay Beach. This was the most beautiful beach I have ever been to in my life and I am pretty sure the most beautiful beach I have ever seen. The water was like… it was like when you draw yourself a bath but get used to it too quick so it is warm but not hot. That is what it was like. The water was blue and clean, the sand was soft and, despite the intense heat, didn’t burn your feet! It was amazing.

Well I know this is not a complete day but the internet is cheap right now so I am blogging now to save cash!

We love you all, thanks for commenting and keep them coming, we love to hear from you!

*Once again blogger needs to start working so that all my pictures work