I guess I haven't blogged in a while eh? Sorry about that, I have been over my head in work for the past month or so and I just haven't had time. Not that I really do right now but hey, what can you do? Right now, I feel like I am up a creek without a BOAT, but in a few weeks right or wrong it will all be done and Christmas will be here. So things are looking up.
The point of this blog is however is to emphasize the point of being helpful. This has kind of been my slogan of the month so far. You see, when certain situations come that are not enjoyable or when conflicts arise, it is overly tempting to let blunt sarcasm take over but this is not helpful. The right way to handle such matters is to be patient, tactful and make sure that the things you say and do are helpful to the situation and not hurtful. This is exceedingly difficult to exercise and I am well aware that no matter how much care and tact are placed in your words, sometimes the truth hurts. We cannot, however, take glory in the hurt of others. Instead we must do our best to be helpful and build them up in such a way that we would want for ourselves.
So the next time you find yourself frustrated with life or another person or whatever, before you act ask yourself this question: Is that helpful?
Matthew 5:7
"Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy. "
James 1:19-20
"My dear brothers, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, for man's anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires."