Tuesday, January 23, 2007


So far this season the Keswick Valley Coyotes are 1-3 in league games with one exhibition win. It seems we either win or get beat really bad. We never seem to lose close. Not that I am discouraged by this. Despite my competitive spirit I am really focusing more on improving our play than winning games. I tell the boys to remember that this is the first year we have had a program in years and that the teams we play have been playing with each other for some time. The other thing is that I am a rookie coach and this is all new to me as well.

Aside from being new to this, I do understand that there are certain ethical rules that need to be followed by coaches. One of these rules is that if your team is up by twenty or more and are obviously superior, you call your players to pull the press. For those of you who don't know what that means, pulling the press means that you tell you players to get back to the defensive zone when they don't have the ball especially after scoring baskets. It is just common courtesy as there is no need to embarrass teams beyond what is needed.

Well last night we were playing against one of my old schools Albert St Middle. We were missing our top scorer from the last game which also messed up my top string as he is one of our point guards but that is what it is. Either way we were losing by a lot, maybe 35 or so and Albert St was still pressing the court! After they had just scored a basket the intercepted our inbounding pass and and got another, so I politely (I mean that too!) asked the coach if he could pull the press. Now I was completely calm here, I honestly wasn't all that upset about losing so bad as we have done it twice previously. But the other coach sternly tells me to "Relax."

Now I am a patient person, but nothing will stir up a person quicker than to tell calm person to calm down. It made me so mad. He was the one in the wrong and when I , very calmly, ask him to show some sportsmanship he tells me to "relax." Ben and I used to do that to stir each other up and man did it work. Anyways, despite my desire to hurt this guy and retaliate I didn't. But man that bugs me!


Adam said...

I can relate with you. Good job keeping your composure as you know I most certainly would have! There is nothing to be gained by running up a score other than the insuing trouble that it will cause. If only every coach could set their egos aside and not try and take the fun out of the game.

Anonymous said...

dan i know what your talking about. my girls team was getting slaughtered last night and the other team held the press in the whole night, after they scored a bucket. some teams have no class. i've actually picked up a technical once for letting the other team know what i thought about their press.

randy said...

There is no place in sports fo coaches like that. That is a huge pet peeve of mine and am very much an activist against. I have not been the head coach in a circumstance like that but I have been and assistant coach. I am not sure what I would do. I would definitely let him know, as you did, that it is inappropriate. It says a lot about your Christian character and leadership.

lori-is-weird said...

*thumds up*

# 93 Christian "The Great One" Haines said...

playing good as of late

Samara Ashley said...

good luck with that

John MacDonald said...

Yeah I hate that too.. I mean I'm a pretty Cool (with a capitol 'C') and collected guy but not so much when things like that happen. You were the better man though and well good? I lost my train of thought... Ah yes it was 1978, the bus was loaded.....