Saturday, June 16, 2007

Update #8: Last Day at Sea and The City that Does Sleep

We got up early so that we could eat breakfast in the Pairs dining room. Our regular location was the London but this one has a view! Janelle had waffles and I had eggs Benedict. After breakfast we layed out on the deck until the debarkation talk. We then took a ride on the water slide and then to the pool before lunch. After lunch we did some line dancing in the Rome lounge and then headed back out to lay on the deck.

This led us to a nap and then supper. We took one last look at the photo gallery and shops and ended the evening with a show featuring guests of the ship which was cool.

This morning we got up and once again had breakfast in the Paris dining room... that was the best thing that happened all day. We took quite a while to debark the vassal but finally made our way outside. There a taxi guy offered to take us to the airport for ten bucks, fair enough. He pointed us to another man who took us to a big van, loaded our bags and we got in to wait for him to fill it with other passengers. While we were waiting another man came and opened the door and asked one of the other passengers to open the driver's door. Once the door was opened, the guy got in to move the vehicle so a taxi with a trailer could get out. We backed up into the van, pulled ahead and then backed into it again!!!! Anyways, the vehicle we hit twice finally made it out and we waited again. Then another guy from another company comes and opens the back doors of the van and yells come with me as HE GRABS OUR BAGS AND TAKES OFF WITH THEM!!!! We chased after the guy who loaded them in his trailer, not wanting to make a huge incident we got in his vehicle along with the other passengers in a vehicle. He totally stole the other taxis costomers but we had to get to the airport and needed our luggage which HE had!

So we made it to the airport and so did our bags. We got in and bought a coffee. That part was good too! Ok now back to the daily trend. I drank my coffee and Janelle ate a brownie of some kind. We were sure there would be dining in our terminal and asked an employee to confirm, cleared security and made our way to our gate area. Dining had much less options here, but we dealt with it, ate and waited for our flight to board. Things looked good until about twenty minutes before our flight when we felt we should be boarding. They soon came on and said twenty minutes or so... then twenty minutes or so... half and hour... so on so on. Then they said they were fixing our plane. Then they said we were getting a new plane. Then they sent us to a new gate. Then our flight was delayed!!! Finally we boarded our flight hoping to have half an hour to catch our next one which was supposed to be a four hour layover. We sat on the plane for a while... long enough to watch the ENTIRE in flight movie for a weather delay! Finally our plane took off. They announced as we neared New York that we would still make our flight to Bangor!!!! But they were wrong as that flight had long left. The airport, much to my surprise was totally DEAD. Hardly anyone passengers or employees. I guess the city does sleep sometimes.

So here we are in New York in a low scale hotel room with a couple of cheap meal vouchers with one coffee shop open in the airport. Did I mention that they wouldn't give us our bags... yeah no clean clothes or anything like that.

There's no place like home, there's no place like home!


Darrell said...

Amen to that man!

Alex/Joseph said...

wow, rough day. If it would lift your spirits any though, Montreal got rid of Samsonov. haha

Jen Lohnes said...

So sad!! What a way to end a trip! Hope you (eventually) make it home safe and sound.

Lisa said...

You do have an amazing trip to look back on (all that amazing food, you made me hungry every time I read your blog), and they didn't make you sleep in airport seating!


Ben said...

Haha, suckers.

Chelsey Lee said...

WELCOME HOME! :) Glad you had fun on your cruise!

Ben said...

wow pic 213 oooooo pic 167 ooooooo pic... put your pics up you freakshow.

Warm regards