Thursday, June 14, 2007

Update #6: Grand Time in Grand Cayman

Pardon the lame pun but today, like the rest was another great one. We set an alarm for 7:00 this morning and got up for breakfast. Our shore excursion wasn’t set until 9:30 but you have to be ready to go early in Grand Cayman because there is no pier. The ship drops anchor a little more than a quarter mile from land and taxi boats take loads of people ashore. We were plenty early for our excursion of parasailing only to find that it had been cancelled due to bad weather. It was raining some and they say that if water gets on the parachute then it will go down and there is no way to determine how fast. This was kind of disappointing. We debated taking one of the other tours but none really interested us for the money involved so we decided to do some shopping instead while we waited to see what the weather would do.

Shopping, I have to admit wasn’t that bad. There were a lot of cool things to see and the atmosphere was a lot calmer than in Mexico. The weather really improved too so we boarded the ship to eat and then went to Seven Mile Beach. Wow, the beach was unreal. The sand was so soft and the water was warm and crystal blue. As soon a Janelle got in she was swarmed by a school of tropical fish, at least I think that is what I saw as I did my best to maintain balance when she jumped on my back!! We took in the afternoon laying on the beach and cooling off in the water. (Side note on schools of fish: yesterday I forgot to mention that while we were lying on the deck a school of dolphins came along side our ship! There had to of been hundreds of them coming to the surface of the water, major cool!)

We got back on the ship late in the afternoon and got something more to eat and took a nap. When we were getting up and getting ready for supper something really strange happened. I went to the Lido deck to get something to drink because I woke up thirstier than life but noticed some little black dot off in the distance when I looked out the window. I didn’t really think much of it, could be another boat or a rock or who knows. Anyway a short time after this our cruise director called attention over the intercom that our vessel was stopped because the captain had spotted a boat in distress and a rescue mission was in progress. Updates were given throughout and finally all members involved were rescued and taken aboard our ship! They are being given free food and shelter and will be dropped off for arrangements when we reach Ocho Rios tomorrow.

Supper was excellent again. We dined alone tonight, that is the other couple who sit with us, Robert and Tiffany, did not attend the dining room. The water is rough tonight so they may have been a bit under the weather. Either way it was a nice meal. We then attended a three part show with dancing, then a really funny comedian and a juggler who was really good and very funny.

Grand time in Grand Cayman!


Ben said...

Glad you hear you guys are having such a "grand" time. Hope the rest goes well and you get to do the rest of your excursions fine. Love you and miss you and am looking forward to seeing your pics!

Darrell said...

Sweet I have never seen a Dolphin up close... let alone a tropical fish either. Lucky!

Anonymous said...

Hi! Looks great! but there is no date on your blog - i'm trying to find a weather report from someone who is actually there - we are scheduled to go to GC tomorrow (5/31) but the weather maps look terrible! Should we cancel? Thanks for any help!