Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Update #5: Another Lazy Day at Sea

Well last night I left off with getting ready for supper which was excellent – fillet minion. We tried the mahi mahi since we had each caught one earlier. It was ok but was done up in the health food menu so didn’t have as much taste! After supper we went to a great show and ended the evening with a Mexican buffet and sail away party.

Today was the definition of a lazy day at sea… we got up, ate breakfast, laid on the deck, ate lunch, laid on the deck, watched the sunset, ate supper, went to a show and are now going to bed… RELAXATION! I love it. Should be a little more intense tomorrow but believe me we rested up for it!!

Good night!

Sorry pictures still won't work :(


Chelsey Lee said...

Sounds like you guys are living it up. Haha, see you guys when you get back :)

Darrell said...

Stinking blogger not showing the pics... it usually does that when wireless is weak. Hope to see all the great stuff you have done when you get back.
See you soon man!