Sunday, June 10, 2007

Update #2: All Aboard! Sunny and Hot in Miami

Today we got up in sunny beautiful Miami and it was HOT! The continental breakfast at the hotel was really good… Belgian waffles, yum. Good times. We left for the cruise terminals around 11:30 and arrived to begin our wait in lines around 12:00. It takes a good half hour to actually get on the boat. By the way this is the first thing you see when you step on board.

Even before heading to our room we went straight to the Lido deck for a bite to eat. I had pizza and a hot dog and Janelle had pizza and salad. Then we had cakes and so on and so on, yeah food! Most of our afternoon was consumed with lying out on the deck and lounging in the pool. The only activity we had to participate in was a safety drill, which Janelle didn’t mind because she gets to wear her handy dandy PFD. Looking sharp!

Supper was amazing, I started out with hickory smoked Atlantic salmon and salad followed by Ziti with Italian sausage, green and red peppers and mushrooms. Janelle started with fried chicken tenders on marinated cucumber lettuce followed by supreme of chicken a la greque… please don’t make me explain what that is, it was good that is all you really need to know. For dessert we had chocolate melting cake and vanilla creme brulee and no Dave we did not share it! Actually, I found the chocolate cake too rich so Janelle ate mine too!

The evening ended with a cool show with lots of singing and dancing and really funny jokes followed by a comedian who was pretty good too. Tomorrow is our first full day at sea and we are very much looking forward to it!

Good night!

Well pictures arent' working because blogger goes nuts when I leave the country it seems we will try later!


Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary!!!

Darrell said...

Sounds like fun... save me some cake ha ha! might be a little grosse by time it gets here, but I will eat it.