Monday, March 05, 2007

RRRRRRRoll Up The RRRRRRRRim to Win!! or not.

After a rather busy week, I am actually glad that it is Monday! Weird eh? March break has its way of slowing things down which is a nice time to catch up and hopefully get a jump on things. We'll see. Either way, on the way to work this morning I treated myself, as I often do, to a large double double from Tim Horton's. Have you been buying more coffee than usual this past week? Well I have and we both know why, Roll up the Rim to Win is back!

Up until this morning I was 0-6. So with great anticipation this morning I rolled up my rim to become 0-7... oh well, as my friend Graham says, "You are always a winner when you drink Tim's coffee." Seems to make him feel better anyways!

I never get too upset about not winning, not even after seven coffees! Roll up the rim is not a guarantee. It wouldn't be wise to bank on the new hybrid Toyota Camry, the Panasonic Plasma TV, the thousand bucks or even another coffee. As my record indicates the odds are not really in your (or my) favor.

It does make me glad however, that my trust is placed in a guarantee. The Lord has promised a perfect and eternal life simply for acknowledging what he has done. Almost as easy as roll up the rim! On that one I am 1-0! I have already won and the prize is better than any car or wide screen TV... even though it would be cool to win at least a coffee before this thing is done!!!!


Harley McCarville said...

Nice ... I to am buying more Tim's these days but I have won a coffee or two ... however, I am more excited about your final thought ... it is awesome that we have been granted eternal life just by simply choosing to acknowledge what the Lord has done. Thanks for the thought ... It's a good one!


Darrell said...

Amen Dan!... James, Joel and I treat ourselves to Tim's every week before ministry lab, when we drive to Tom Marshall's and I have'nt won yet. Your right, Graham does say that he wins everytime, I thought that was funny. Your truly right about the guarantee, thats awesome! and something to be excited to minister concerning!.

Jen Lohnes said...
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Jen Lohnes said...

so jealous, drink a couple (hundred) for me! I hate missing this festive time of the year....dang.

Tim Guptill said...

Hi Dan, how's everything in Freddy? What's your rutrim record at now? Somehow we managed to go 4 for 6 the weekend we were in Freddy! That's crazy. I'm usually in the 2 for 52 range.

Looking forward to hockey try outs next fall. Save me a place on the team...I'll try not to embarrass you ;-> Tim